10 Ways SMART Recovery Differs from 12-Step Programs
SMART Recovery is an approach to providing support for people looking to abstain from addictive behaviors. SMART Recovery offers some...

Helping the Fairest Junkie of Them All: The Desperate and Brave Sobriety of Amy Dresner
As another memoir written about addiction, the message in Amy Dresner’s My Fair Junkie is blaring and unique. Published by Hachette Books...

Grieving Lost Loved Ones During the Holidays
GRIEF & THE HOLIDAYS Republished from Grief.com, https://grief.com/grief-the-holidays/ “Holidays are time spent with loved ones” was...

Addiction Recovery During the Holidays
Addiction recovery during the Holidays by Richard Song The holidays can be a particularly difficult time for people new to recovery. The...

Handling the Holidays- Coping with Stress and Depression Over the Holidays
Coping with the stress and overwhelm of the Holiday season can lead some of us to depression and anxiety attacks. The clinicians at...