Oh yes, the past can hurt, but there is purpose in the pain...don't run from it

As humans (yep, that includes you), we all experience pain ... trauma history, abuse, loss, rejection, mental illness, tragedy, broken hearts...the list is infinite. No matter what makes up our past, there is pain there. And oftentimes, we are told to "never look back", to "keep what's passed, past", and to "be strong and move on" ....
- why? -
because it's uncomfortable. it hurts. and we often adapt to that by avoiding, running, and suppressing the painful yesterdays.
It's natural to do so, and maybe you were taught or modeled that as a child. But the truth is, we can never really, successfully, run and hide from our past...because our past is part of our story, not the end of our story, but the painful parts are a big chunk of it....and where the most growth is!
Yup, your past...even the most painful chapters that you've "forgotten" about, are parts of you -- and while the past does not have to define you, it has helped to shape and form your path to right now.
We believe in the importance of owning and honoring every single part of yourself ... even the parts you hate...mistakes you've made, wrong-doings done to you, shame, regret, anger...
Disowning those parts of yourself impede on the ability to truly move forward, and to ultimately feel and be whole.
By running away, you give more power to the past that hurts you, and take power away from your ability to grow.
We would love to hear your thoughts and experience with this ... please go to our Facebook page, Instagram or Linkedin profile and drop us a note!
If you'd like to talk to someone about how you can face, process, and set free from a painful history, please contact us! We offer therapeutic services for children, adolescents, adults, couples, families, and groups...helping people work through their past, live in the present, and look toward a hopeful future.